March 30, 2015


aleksandra skorupan, velvet and milk blog

Did it ever happen to you that you have a really bad phase in your life? Like, one that runs a course of over two years? Well I have just left behind one of those phases.
During that period I have found the man of my life, the one I want to wake up next to, and grow old with. That being said, it’s not fair to say that last two years were the worst time of my life. They certainly were not. They brought some of the most beautful moments and feelings in my life, and in that field it’s been the best time so far.

But somehow, life starts to weigh heavy on your back. You start to feel responsible for how your life will turn out and you don’t like that much responsability. Like, when did that happen? Just yesterday, your biggest concern was what shoes to wear with that outfit you planned for Saturday night will you pass that difficult exam that gives you trouble. And that terrifying feeling of responsability for your own life is just a beginning. Suddenly, everyone expects something from you. You expect something from yourself, and you don’t even know what that is. You’ve been so carefree your entire life, that you never stopped to think about that. So you create an illusion that everything will be fine if you just relax. But in the back of your mind, there’s a heavy cloud of fear, helplesness and disorientation.

Take it from someone who’s been through that. I’ve been floating in some kind of bubble through all that because I was too scared to face reality. I wasn’t even half aware of what was happening to me. Or should I say, what I did to myself. It’s so easy to sink into denial. To make excusses. To look away. To lie to yourself. Until you no longer can. Repeating the same lame excuse for a hundredth time starts to taste so bitter. And then something kicks you in the butt. And it’s not the people who give you the sad look. Or those who, out of pity, say that everything will be fine. You get angry with yourself. You can’t believe you let yourself hit rock bottom.

That’s the hardest part. When you have to look yourself in the eyes and admit that the blame is on you, and you only. And then make peace with that, so you can start all over. There’s lot of work, but you finally see the light at the end of a tunnel. You roll up your sleeves and get to work, and it feels good because there’s hope. You never complain anymore, because you see the point in what you do. 

Finally i feel that everything IS going to be allright. I’m at peace because i know I’m doing everything I can, and whatever comes up, I’ll be able to deal with it.

whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve


  1. In fact that is life..going through up's and down's, making decisions, experience good or bad things, but getting stronger every day!

    1. yep, that is life, yin and yang, a constant change :) that's what makes it exciting!
      thank you for your comment <3

  2. Yep, poznat osecaj, jer sam previse samokriticna i okruzena jako ambicioznim ljudima, te onda valjda i ja moram biti takva, pa pasivno pratim to, ubedjujem se da MORAM sve to i ja uspeti/uraditi. A onda sam sela jednog dana, odredila prioritete, napravila to-do list sta uraditi da skinem barem deo tereta sa sebe i kad god krene da me ``puca`` anksioznost odem na tumblr/insta i #selflove, naletim na brdo dobrih mantri/afirmacija, i pomaze :) Budim se sa mislju da dajem svoj maksimum, da sutra bice bolje, i gledam da lose misli ne dam egu da preokrene u ocaj po mene, vec ih odmah menjam sa lepim :) Tako da sad sam happy, nakon godinu i po, i ako znam da to jos nije to, da, zaista ima svetlsti na kraju tunela :)

    Tako da, iako se ne znamo, poznat osecaj i samo nastavi hrabro :)

    1. Drago mi je kada vidim da ljudi razumeju i da mogu da se poistovete :)
      Samo hrabro i sa pozitivnim mislima :)
      Hvala ti na javljanju <3

  3. Moja mama uvek ima onu krilaticu i kada sam srecna i kada sam tuzna otvori kutiju sa porukom u kojoj pise proci ce sve.... Naci neki unutrasnji mir, i udubiti se u sebe u svoje postojanje i srecu a tugu i probleme ne zadrzavti puno u svome zivotu

    1. upravo taj unutrasnji mir je istinska sreca :)
      hvala na javljanju <3

  4. Great quote, wish you the best as this next chapter unfurls. Turning the page is the hardest part, but new words will be there and new adventures await. Love the use of natural light in that photo.

    1. thank you and thank you :) wish you all the best as well <3

  5. Odličan tekst! Ovo mi se posebno dopada: Finally i feel that everything IS going to be allright. I’m at peace because i know I’m doing everything I can, and whatever comes up, I’ll be able to deal with it.

  6. Great quote, this is life!!

  7. Ah, life can be so shitty sometimes can't it. I am sorry for your two years that were difficult for you, makes me sad. I found myself in a very similar situation, the year before last and I thought I was going to lose my mind. I was so unenthused about everything, living with room mates from hell in Paris and just generally, I sucked at life, or so I thought. But then you pick yourself up, and stuff gets better - and you know what, that's life. It's not always going to be easy and getting through stuff like this is what makes us stronger and prouder to be ourselves.

    big big love

  8. I totally know the feeling - the last two years of my life have been nothing short of hellish! In fact, the main reason I began blogging was an escape from my daily life. It's been a nice distraction so far but of course I cannot escape the inevitable bite of reality. I'm so glad that things are looking up for you, it gives me some hope that things will turn my way soon too. All the best!

    With love ♥ » Paris by Friday

  9. So nice


  10. I'm sorry you went through a tough time but it is nice to hear that things are getting better! Don't be afraid to lean on your man, he's there for that too!

  11. In that phase right now...

