March 14, 2015

What to do during Weekend?

aleksandra skorupan, velvet and milk blog, inspiration, flatlay

Since I started working 9 to 5, I discovered a newborn appreciation for the weekends. I used to hate weekends, but now I really try to use every second of these free days, as time flies by so fast (and on the other hand, work days go by sooooo painfully slowly). So here are some suggestions on what you can do to relax and enjoy your weekend!
• Roll up your sleeves and dive into some DIY project! It can be something really simple, such as printing and framing your favorite quote and making a marble notebook, like I did last weekend! I'm sure you have some ideas lingering in the back of your mind, and if not, Pinterest is an endless source of ideas!
• Clean up your desk/closet/room/house! Getting rid of things you never wear any more, make up with expired date or old textbooks from high school or university (guilty!) leaves you more free space to fill with tons of new shoes will bring some fresh air into your space and you'll feel more organized!
• Go out for a run! Ride a bike! Search on youtube for some workout you can do at your house! Just get moving, and it'll do you good in all the ways I'm sure you're already familliar with. For those who are too lazy to exercise, going to a massage is a good idea too!
• Invest your time to acquire some new skills! Start with dance lessons, start learning a new language or learn how to knit! It'll enrich you and fill you with new energy!
• Reading is always a good idea! My latest obsession is Bukowski, along with my longtime love Haruki Murakami.
Whatever you choose to do, always listen to a good music!
Have a lovely weekend!