May 05, 2015


aleksandra skorupan, velvet and milk blog, motivation
There is something promising about the warm early morning in May. The golden sunshine peeking through the blinds on your window, the (almost) summer breeze that feels so warm on your skin. As you step outside, ready to take on a new day, and everything is still so peaceful, with only a hint of busy day ahead. You feel that something amazing is about to happen, and the feeling of anticipation is itching under your skin. Your soul fills with hope, and optimism. It's like a beginning of the new life, with all the incredible possibilities.

That's how I felt this morning. Like nothing bad will ever happen again. Like it's never going to rain again. It's an illusion, of course, but it's the illusion that pushes you forward. Gives you courage to chase your biggest and craziest dreams. And those dreams coming true, that is not an illusion. It can be reality. It will be reality.


  1. Lovely photography and beautiful words to accompany...although it's necessary to accept that all good things must come to an end, it's nice to bask in that feeling of being on top of the world, able to handle anything, ready for whatever life throws at you. That feeling of confidence and security that you want to feel everyday.

    With love ♥︎ » Paris by Friday

  2. I'm loving the weather right now it's warm but not hot! This summer will probably be a brutal one....

  3. Absolutely love love love this post! May is my favorite month because of the feeling that you described I get every year around this time. Thanks for the inspiration! :-)


  4. cool

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  6. Lovely post and great blog you have!


  7. Love this pic!


  8. I love ur profile pic so much! U looks amazing!
