September 25, 2015

Bohemian Rhapsody

For the last month and a half, I swear the stars aligned to mess with my head. My schedule became so tight, that more often than not I had to literally run from one appointment to another. All at the same time, I started statistics classes (so that I could pass my exam), I became web journalist for HB and my colleague went to vacation for two weeks so I had more job to do than ever before (and that's just a part of what was going on). Speaking of tight timetable, I had to squeeze my bday celebration in 3 hours straught! Literally, I had three hours before I had to rush to statistics class. There were many moments when I would laugh at my rotten luck. I didn't even get annoyed, it was beyond ridiculous the way Marfi screwed with me. Finally, it coincided that Harper's BAZAAR first anniversary party was the night before my exam... like seriously? Who's doing that to me and why? Before, I would go bananas and cancel everything, but not anymore. Party the night before an important exam? Challenge accepted! Of course I passed it (like a boss)! Go ahead Marfi, what else do you have in store for me? I can take anything!

shirt - H&M
pants - Zara
shoes - Stradivarius
bag - Parfois
scarf - diy
watch - Michael Kors
/ph. Stefan/


  1. Wow, you look incredible! I love your style! xxx

  2. Beautiful!

  3. Murphy je pravilno.

  4. Hi! This outfit looks so good on you! I love the Zara pants! Good luck with classes! xox

  5. Nemoj iskuĊĦavati Marfija, Marfi je zajeban tip... Congrats za ispit!

    XoXo Venoma
    Venoma Fashion Freak
