December 31, 2015

things that marked 2015 for me

This was an incredible year for me, and it was just as exhausting, and looking back now - it feels like it was three years packed into one. It was a milestone year for me, not in a big and glamorous way - a gradual change of things and behaviors not so obvious to other people, but significant to me, is what left the biggest mark. I don't have the intention of doing a retrospective here - honestly these are not the things you'd find interesting. Instead, I decided to highlight small things that marked my year in one way or the other.

Sadly, I didn't get to spend much time behind the camera this year. But there was that one occasion when I said 'we are doing this photoshoot no matter what' and I'm glad we did. It was our anniversary shoot, you know, when I forgot how my camera works at all. Fun story and the photos I really really love.

There were many tiny little victories this year, and there was this (bigger) one that made me so excited I wanted to tell everyone - I became a web journalist for Harper's BAZAAR Serbia. It's an honor, and it's so humbling to be given an opportunity like that.

I'm ashamed to say, but besides the professional literature (sigh) I didn't really have time to read as much as I'd like to, but I still managed to steal some time and dive into some amazing books. Two of them were Bukowski's - 'Women' and 'Ham on Rye', the latter one being my favorite. His writings are so raw and honest and bursting with pure emotions, so now I finally understand the hype. Also, I realized there are far better Bukowski quotes than those excessively shared all over Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. If only people bothered to actually read the books...

This was the year I discovered pizza! Pizza as in quality, gastronomic experience, not just cheap junk food. I think my love and I consumed about a ton, and even though we're back to healthy habits and lifestyle, there are two of our favorite places that will be occasionally visited.

The Superstars! If you were following my blog on a regular basis, you already know that. Seriously, I wore them whenever I possibly could, and adored them every step of the way. Stan Smith will probably be my next choice!
After a long hunt for a perfect scent, I chose Giorgio Armani Si Intense. I guess Armani perfumes just work with my skin, because my absolute favorite before Si was Armani Code (so stereotypical, I know, but it smells good on me). Ever since I first smelled Si tester I got in a magazine, I knew it was going to be one of my all time favorites!


I am aware of the fact that 'Take Me To Church' is not a 2015 song, but this was the year I discovered it! And it blew my mind, seriously it's a song I could listen to for hours and not get bored. Sia's Fire Meet Gasoline comes close second, as well as Sofia Karlberg's cover of Crazy in Love.

Have a lovely New Years's Eve guys, and feel free to share your favorite moments and little things that marked your year. I'd love to hear that!

1 comment:

  1. Kako su i meni vikendi omiljeni deo nedelje i jedina prilika da pregledam sve omiljene blogove, tako sam i sada za praznike ugrabila malo vremena da ispregledam nove postove. Čestitam na novom angažmanu, neka je sa srećom, Bazaar je zaista čast. I odličan izbor parfema, ja se spremam da kupim običan Si, oduševljena sam testerom takođe, pa se nadam da ćemo se on i ja lepo slagati u Novoj godini. Srećna Nova i puno sreće, zdravlja i uspeha!
